Some points for ex1: 1) Creating UML diagrams: a.Class Diagram- right click on the package you want to create the UML to. ->new->other->UML diagrams->class diagram. Then, you should add association, dependencies and inheritance as you please, as long the UML that is created is readable. Then, create the class uml and add comments. The last step is right clicking the window of the UML, choosing export and then jpeg. b.Sequence Diagram- Creaion is the same as the class diagram, and also the import to jpeg. The difference is that it does not create the diagram by itself- it is up to you. First, choose an actor (the person figure), and then start to create the diagram as explained in class. (I attach a simple digram to the example project) 2) Creating a different path for fileName.class (other than This way the source code and the classes are separated. How to: choose project(At the above toolbar)-> properties-> java build path-> add below at the default build path projName/bin (whit my example: antExample/bin). It will ask you if you want to move all your classes there, so choose yes. 3) Running ant on eclipse: Ant needs to know that it can use junit on eclipse, so you need to add it to it's external jars: choose window(from the above toolbar)-> preferences-> ant-> runtime-> just click on "ant home entries" (nothing happens, it is just selected)-> add external jar -> write at the text box "usr/share/java/junit.jar" Know that from the shell, you only need to write "ant" from the place of the build.xml file, and it will run, much like make. To clean in shell, use "ant clean". 4) Before submitting, try to zip all your files that need to be submitted, and try to uzip them and import them as a project- to make sure that your files still contain a working project. 5) I have also created an example for how your submitted files should look like. Just import the project I created to your eclipse, and run ant and see what happens. It also has the structure of the UML. I do not attach the script, it is simple enough to create it by yourselves.