Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Register/Submit/Getgrade Instructions


Every student should register to the electronic submission system. This is done by following the Register  link (also in the home page). Just enter your login name and your password and follow the instructions.
Get Grade
Simply follow the Grades  link from the home page. Enter your login & password, and all your grades will  be presented.

Submission Guidelines - Programming Exercises

Submission Guidelines - Theoretical Exercises

Theoretical exercises will be published on this web site, and should be submitted in the course box on floor -2 by the specified date and time (see the schedule). Late submissions of theoretical exercises will not be accepted in any case. Make sure you clearly write your name, student ID, and login name in the top left corner of the first page.

Late Submissions, Exemptions

You may submit a programming exercise up to 3 working days after the submission date. However, you will lose 5 points for each day you are late (not counting Fridays and Saturdays).

Please Note: Late submissions (of more than 3 days) will not be accepted.

In justified cases, such as miluim or sickness, you should approach one of the assistants for an extension. If you had miluim you should attach the ishur to the printout when you submit. As a general policy, we will grant an extention of the same length of the absence. The extention must be approved by us, it is not given automatically.

NOTE: Only an extention that has been approved by us by e-mail is valid.


An appeal on an exercise grade may be submitted up to two weeks after the relevant exercise has been returned. This is a strict deadline - late appeals will NOT be considered!
Please bear in mind: when you submit an appeal, your grade is re-evaluated. In certain cases, this may result in a reduction in your grade.
If you nevertheless think your grade has been unjustfully reduced, and you wish to submit an appeal, do the following: