This course leads the students thourgh
the process of building a complete computer system (hardware+software). This
course consists of 11 projects, each based on a chapter in the accompanying
book. Each chapter cosists of the specification and hints for implementation of
a well-defined sub-system that can be built and tested in isolation. The first
four chapters focus on constructing the hardware platform of a simple modern
computer. Five chapters build higher level programming possibilities for this
hardware, starting from an assembler and ending with a compiler for a high
level object-based programming language. Two chapters are focused on code
written in that programming language: a mini operating system, and a game
application. The complete game
plan is as follows:
each chapter/project is a stand-alone unit that includes a complete description
of its interface with neighboring chapters.
0: Under the hood:
We illustrate a sample application – the Pong
game -- running on the simulated computer.
This motivates the question of what is needed in order to make this
application a reality. We need a
programming language, an operating system, a hierarchy of software translators,
and a suitable hardware platform. This
sets the stage to a top-down overview of the book plan and the construction
projects that lie ahead.
1: Boolean Logic: Beginning at the
Nand level, we specify and build a set of elementary logic gates,
multiplexors, and their multi-bit versions.
In addition, we describe how chips can be built and tested using a simple
version of HDL (Hardware Description Language) and the supplied Hardware
2: Boolean Arithmetic: Continuing with combinational
logic, we specify and build a set of
adders: half-adder, full-adder, and parallel adder.
Next, we specify an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and describe its
proposed implementation.
3: Sequential Logic: Beginning with D-Flip-Flops, we build
a recursive hierarchy of memory systems: 1-bit register, multi-bit register,
and a Random Access Memory (RAM). We
also build a counter chip, which will later function as the computer's program
4: Computer Architecture: We specify a simple machine
language, giving both its binary and symbolic instruction sets. Next, we guide
the students through the process of integrating all the previously built chips
into a unified architecture, capable of executing programs written in the
specified language. We also specify how the architecture interacts with
memory-mapped screen and keyboard devices. This completes the construction of
the hardware platform.
5: Assembler: Following an overview of the machine and
assembly languages presented in the previous chapter, we specify an assembler.
We expect the students to implement this assembler (as well as all the
subsequent translators) in Java, but other object-oriented languages can
also be used.
6-7: Virtual Machine: We discuss the virtues of a virtual
machine approach, and specify a stack-based VM.
Next, we guide the students through the process of writing a VM
implementation, which will later serve as the backend of the compiler.
Chapter 6 focuses on stack arithmetic, and chapter 7 on the procedure
call stack.
8: High Level Programming: We present a simple, Java-like
object-based language, called Jack. The students then write several
simple Jack programs, e.g. games like Pong and Tetris.
These programs are highly interactive and event-driven.
9-10: Compilation: We specify a Jack compiler, designed to
translate a collection of Jack classes into VM code.
Chapter 9 focuses on syntax analysis and chapter 10 on semantics and
code generation.
11: Operating System: We use several programming examples
to motivate the need for an operating system (OS).
We then specify the API of a simple OS that includes math functions,
string processing, input/output functionality, and memory management.
The students then implement the OS in Jack.
This part of the book includes an HDL specification and tutorials of all the
software tools that accompany the projects.