Resources, Pointers and Technical Help

Technical Help

Development Environments

You can use any Java development environment for writing your exercises. However, you should make sure that your programs compile and runs under the schools environment (standard Java SDK environment)
Free environment:
The Java SDK (Java Software Development Kit) is a free software package offered by Sun that contains a compiler, interpreter and some other tools for working with Java. You write your programs with an editor you like (e.g., notepad,editplus), compile them with the javac compiler and run them with the java interpreter. It is a minimal environment, that doesn't intend to have all the functionality and ease of use of an IDE for Java (IDE - Integrated Development Environment - an environment which contains an editor, compiler, debugger and some other useful stuff all integrated under a single application). In many cases this is more than enough. The SDK version that will be used in the course is 1.3.

If you wish to install SDK at home:

Using Classes We Provide in Your Exercises

To use classes that we provide (at home or in the university lab Lubin) do the following:
  1. download the relevant zip file from the web page to your working directory.

Register \ Submit \ Get-Grade

You must register to the course as soon as possible. Exercises of students that didn't register will NOT be graded.