Yuval Rabani

       +972-2-5494562           +972-2-5494605

Skype: yuval.rabani

Contact Information

The Rachel and Selim Benin School of

Computer Science and Engineering

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

9190416 Jerusalem


Yuval Rabani

Winter Semester, 2021-2

Office: Rothberg C 411

Grants admin: Hila Turjeman

Research group

  1. Avinab Marahatta Postdoc

  2. David Zisselman Ph.D.

  3. Aaron Koolyk Ph.D.

  4. Or Landesman Ph.D.

  5. Nitzan Litman M.Sc.

  6. Yoav Siman-Tov M.Sc.

  7. Lola Rapoport M.Sc.

HUJI theory group


My photo albums

Work, work, work, ...

2004 - 2006

I’m serving on

  1. SafeToC organizer

  2. STOC 2022 advocate

Lecture notes

  1. Intro to CS (in Hebrew) new!

  2. Discrete Optimization new!