Simulation of Rain in Videos
This page contains experimental results for "Simulation of Rain in
Videos " paper.
The provided videos are in uncompressed avi format. You can also view
the movies in mpeg format
Human perception
The original rain movie (left) and the random permutation of the movie's frames (right)
The original rain movie (left) and the random permutation of the movie's frames (right)
The original rain movie (left) and the flipped version of the movie (right)
Rain separation
The original rain movie (left), the differences mask (middle) and the median image background (right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the image with differences mask been applied(right)
Rain generation
The original rain movie (left), the differences mask of original movie (middle) and the differences mask from generated rain movie (right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
The original rain movie (left), the median image background (middle) and the generated rain movie(right)
Effect of darkening
Generated rain movie without darkening
(left), generated rain movie with 20% darkening (middle) and generated
rain movie with 40% darkening (right)
Rain generation - different parameters
Very weak rain movie without darkening
(left), with darkening (right)
Light rain movie without darkening
(left), with darkening (right)
Heavy rain movie without darkening
(left), with darkening (right)