I-CORE workshop on Transcriptional circuitry and the regulatory conformation of the genome

I-CORE workshop on Transcriptional circuitry and the regulatory conformation of the genome

Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015 - The Hebrew University

Plenary Speakers: Rafael Casellas (NIH), and Nir Friedman (HUJI)

Organized by Tommy Kaplan (HUJI), Ofir Hakim (BIU), and Irit Gat-Viks (TAU)

Lectures (in PDF format)

Tommy Kaplan (HUJI): Introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing & Genomic mapping
Ofir Hakim (BIU): ChIP-seq , DNase-seq and ATAC-seq
Tommy Kaplan (HUJI): Downstream analyses (Galaxy)
Ofir Hakim (BIU): Chromosome conformation capture (3C) methods
Rafael Casellas (NIH): The NIH Mouse Regulome
Nir Friedman (HUJI): Chromatin Dynamics
Irit Gat-Viks (TAU): Systems Genetics & genetic mapping of transcriptional regulation

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