Edge-Avoiding Wavelets and their Applications


Edge-Avoiding Wavelets and their Applications

[Paper link] [Supplemental Text] [New note about HDR compression]

Supplemental Image Results

Click on the images to view them in their native resolution



Dynamic-Range Compression see new note

Edge-Preserving Smoothing and Detail Enhancement

Edge-Aware Interpolation: Colorization

Comparison between the Weighted CDF and Red-Black Wavelets



Dynamic-Range Compression, NEW scheme and results-see new note!


Belgium House
Farbman et al. [2008]
Durand and Dorsey [2002]
Our old EAW result
Our new EAW result (beta=0.7)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.6)



Li et al. [2005]
Our old EAW result
Our new EAW result (beta=0.7)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.7)




Rainhard et al., Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images, SIGGRAPH 2002

Durand and Dorsey [2002]
Our old EAW result
Our new EAW result (beta=0.7)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.6)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.45)



Hancock Kitchen

Paris et al. [2011] (photorealistic)

Paris et al. [2011] (exaggerated)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.55)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.5)
Our new EAW result (beta=0.45)



Stanford Memorial
Pattanaik et al., Time-Dependent Visual Adaptation for Realistic Image Display, SIGGRAPH 2000 (local)
Durand and Dorsey [2002]
Our EAW result



Durand and Dorsey [2002]
Drago et al., Adaptive Logarithmic Mapping for Displaying High Contrast Scenes, Eurographics 2003
Our EAW result





Edge-Preserving Smoothing and Detail Enhancement



Input image

Medium (top) Farbman et al. [2008], (bottom) our EAW result
Fine (top) Farbman et al. [2008], (bottom) our EAW result
Smoothing using our EAW result


Input image

Fattal et al. [2007]
Farbman et al. [2008]
Our EAW result


Image Colorization


Input showing user strokes
Levin et al. [2004]
Our EAW result



Input showing user strokes
Levin et al. [2004]
Our EAW result



Input showing user strokes
Levin et al. [2004]
Our EAW result



Hands (de-colorization, or see Selective Colorization)    
Input color image (courtesy of Eric Jeschke)
User strokes (light color, dark BW)
Our EAW result


Comparison between the Weighted CDF and Red-Black Wavelets


Belgium House
Weighted Separable (2,2)-CDF
Weighted Red-Black
Weak ripples along vertical edges in WCDF



Scaling Functions
Weighted CDF
Weighted Red-Black