Daniel Lehmann's Home Page.


Daniel Lehmann's Home Page 

School of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91904

Office: Rothberg A529
email: "lehmann" followed by the at sign followed by  "cs.huji.ac.il"
phone: +972-2-549-4546
fax: +972-2-549-4546

I am now an emeritus professor of Computer Science working on algorithmic mechanism design.

I co-founded and am actively involved in AffectiveMarkets [http://www.affectivemarkets.com], a company that uses AI techniques to predict the marketing attraction of products. I also, previously, co-founded MusicGenome, Inc., a company that developed a proprietary technology for learning a user s taste, in music and other entertainment fields, with Dan and Ron Gang. MusicGenome s SmartDJ uses this technology to provide a radio that tunes up to the taste and the mood of the user.

Preprints and Recent Publications:

Here are some of my papers:

  • " Projection-algebras and quantum logic ", Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. 11, August 2024, pp. 463-498. [https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.07042].
  • " Revealed preferences for matching with contracts", Preprint. [http://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08823].
  • " Quality of local equilibria in discrete exchange economies ", Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 88, May 2020, pp. 141-152. [http://arxiv.org/abs/1807.00304].
  • " Ultra valuations", Preprint. [http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.04236].
  • " Concrete Foundations for Categorical Quantum Physics", Leibniz TR-2010-40. [http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.5910].
  • "Similarity-Projection structures: the logical geometry of Quantum Physics", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48(1), Feb. 2009, pp. 261-281. doi: 10.1007/s10773-008-9801-3 [http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.0726]. Preliminary version in Leibniz TR-2008-8.
  • "Quantic Superpositions and the Geometry of Complex Hilbert Spaces", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 47(5), May 2008, pp. 1333-1353. doi: 10.1007/s10773-007-9576-y [http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0703056] Preliminary version in Leibniz TR-2007-9.
  • "Connectives in Cumulative Logics", in Pillars of Computer Science, Essays dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot on the occasion of his 85th birthday (Avron and al. eds) pp. 424-440. LNCS 4800, Springer-Verlag, 2008. (http://www.springerlink.com/content/f6n364320ur72g20/fulltext.pdf])
  • "A presentation of Quantum Logic based on an "and then" connective", Journal of Logic and Computation, 18 (1), Feb. 2008, pp. 59-76. doi:10.1093/logcom/exm054 [http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0701113] Short version in Leibniz TR 2007-1.
  • "Algebras of Measurements: The Logical Structure of Quantum Mechanics", with Kurt Engesser and Dov M. Gabbay, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 45(4), April 2006, pp. 698-723.  [postscript]
  • "Nearly optimal multi attribute auctions", with Amir Ronen, 6th ACM conference on Electronic Commerce, pp. 279-285, 2005 (http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1064009.1064039) .
  • "A Model for Representing the Dynamics of a System of Synfire Chains", with Gaby Hayon and Moshe Abeles, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 18(1), January-February 2005, pp. 41-53. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10827-005-5479-1]
  • "Modeling Compositionality by Dynamic Binding of Synfire Chains", with Moshe Abeles and Gaby Hayon, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 17(2), September-October 2004, pp. 179-201. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:JCNS.0000037682.18051.5f]
  • "Presentation and Structure of Substitutes Valuations", Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science TR-2004-3, March 2004 [postscript]
  • "Perfect Competition and Competitive Equilibria in Economies of Indivisible Objects", Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science TR-2003-33, June 2003 [postscript]
  • "Combinatorial Auctions with decreasing marginal utilities" with Benny Lehmann and Noam Nisan, Games and Economic Behavior, 55(2), May 2006, pp. 270-296. A preliminary version appeared in ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce EC'01, Tampa, Florida, October 2001,  [Conference paper] or  [Journal version]
  • "Linear Programming helps solving Large Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions" with Rica Gonen, Electronic Market Design Workshop July 11-13, 2001, Masstricht, the Netherlands.  Available as Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science TR-2001-8 [postscript] .
  • "Classes of service under competition and technological change: a model for the dynamics of the Internet?", ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce EC'01, Tampa, Florida, October 2001, TR-2000-42 Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science, October 2000  color version  or  black-and-white version
  • "Optimal Solutions for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions: Branch and Bound Heuristics" with Rica Gonen, ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce EC'00 pp. 13-20, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2000 [postscript].
  • "Representing and Aggregating Conflicting Beliefs" with  Pedrito Maynard-Zhang,  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Vol. 19 pp. 155-203. A shorter version appears in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning  (KR 2000), April 2000, pp. 153-164. [postscript]
  • "Truth Revelation in Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auctions" with Liadan O'Callaghan and  Yoav Shoham : short version (EC-99)Stanford Technical Note (July 1999)JACM 49(5) Sept. 2002 pp. 577-602
  • "Nonmonotonic Logics and Semantics", a choice function semantics for nonmonotonic logic and why the natural connectives in nonmonotonic logic are classical: Journal of Logic and Computation, 11(2) (June 2001) pp. 229-256 [postscript].
  • "The logical meaning of Expansion", a sequel to the above:  unpublished(January 1999)
  • "Preferred History Semantics for Iterated Updates", with Shai Berger and Karl Schlechta :  Journal of Logic and Computation, 9(6) (December 1999) pp. 817-833 [postscript].
  • "Distance Semantics for Belief Revision", with Menachem Magidor and Karl Schlechta :  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 66(1) (March 20001) pp. 295-317 [postscript].
  • "Expected Qualitative Utility Maximization", relaxing von-Neumann-Morgenstern's Independence and Continuity postulates to encompass MaxiMin:  Games and Economic Behavior, 35 (1-2) (April 2001) pp. 54-79 [postscript].
  • "NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge", with  Claudia GoldmanDan Gang and  Jeff Rosenschein :  Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 25 (1999) pp. 69-90 [postscript].
  • "Regulated Criticality in the Brain?", with  Elie Bienenstock :  Advances in Complex Systems, 1(4) (1998) pp. 361-384 [postscript].

Some Older Papers:

Here is a short list of publications, some papers are available in gziped postscript version:

  • "From Environments to Representations - A Mathematical Theory of Artificial Perceptions": with Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, Artificial Intelligence, 102(2) (1998) pp. 187-247.
  • "Introducing the Mathematical Category of Artificial Perceptions": with Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 23 (1998) pp. 267-298.
  • "Stereotypical Reasoning: Logical Properties": Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure

and Applied Logics (IGPL), 6(1) (1998) pp. 49-58  [postscript] .

  • "On negation rationality", with Michael Freund: Journal of Logic and Computation, 6(2) (1996) pp. 263-269  [postscript] .
  • "Another perspective on default reasoning",  Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: 15(1) (1995) pp. 61-82  [postscript] .
  • "Deductive nonmonotonic inference operations: antitonic representations", with Yuri Kaluzhny: Journal of Logic and Computation, 5(1) (1995) pp. 111-122 [postscript] .
  • "Designing and building a Negotiating Automated Agent", with  Sarit Kraus: Computational Intelligence, 11(1) (1995) pp. 132-171.
  • "Learning temporal sequences by excitatory synaptic changes only", with Yaakov Metzger: Network, 5 (1994) pp. 89-99.
  • "Nonmonotonic reasoning: from finitary relations to infinitary inference operations", with Michael Freund: Studia Logica, 53 no. 2 (1994) pp. 161-201 [postscript] .
  • "The advantages of free choice: a symmetric and fully distributed solution to the dining philosophers problem", with Michael O. Rabin: In "A Classical Mind: Essays in Honour of C.A.R. Hoare" (A.W. Roscoe, ed.), Chapter 20, Prentice Hall, 1994, pp. 333-352.
  • "Nonmonotonic inference operations", with Michael Freund:  Bulletin of the IGPL, 1 no.1 (July 1993) pp. 23-68 [postscript].
  • "What does a conditional knowledge  base entail?", with Menachem Magidor: Artificial Intelligence, 55 no.1 (May 1992) pp. 1-60  [postscript] .
  • "Rationality, Transitivity and Contraposition", with Michael Freund and Paul Morris: Artificial Intelligence, 52 no. 2 (Dec. 1991) pp. 191-203.
  • "Negotiation in a non-cooperative environment", with  Sarit Krausand Eithan Ephrati: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3 no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1991) pp. 255-281.
  • "Nonmonotonic reasoning, preferential models and cumulative logics", with Sarit Kraus and Menachem Magidor: Artificial Intelligence, 44 nos 1-2 (July 1990) pp. 167-207 [postscript] .
  • "Learning temporal sequences by local synaptic changes", with Yaakov Metzger: Network, 1 no. 2 (April 1990) pp. 169-188.
  • "Knowledge, belief and time", with Sarit Kraus : Theoretical Computer Science, 58 no. 1-3 (June 1988) pp. 155-174.
  • "Symmetric and economical solutions to the mutual exclusion problem in a distributed system", with Shimon Cohen and  Amir Pnueli : Theoretical Computer Science, 34 no. 1-2 (November 1984) pp. 215-225.
  • "A linear-history semantics for languages for distributed programming", with  Nissim Francez and Amir Pnueli : Theoretical Computer Science, 32 no. 1 (July 1984) pp. 25-46.
  • "Reasoning with time and chance", with  Saharon Shelah: Information and Control, 53 no. 3 (June 1982) pp. 165-198.
  • "On primality tests": SIAM Journal on Computing, 11 no. 2 (May 1982) pp. 374-375.
  • "Epis need not be dense", with  Ana Pasztor : Theoretical Computer Science 17, no. 2 (February 82), pp. 151-161.
  • "The algebraic specification of data types: a synthetic approach", with Michael B. Smyth: Mathematical Systems Theory 14, no. 2 (May 1981), pp. 97-139.
  • "On the algebra of order": Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21, no.1 (August 1980), pp.1-23.
  • "Semantics of non-determinism,concurrency and communication",  with Nissim Francez , C.A.R. Hoare and  W.P. de Roever :  Journal of Computer and System Sciences 19, no.3 (December 1979), pp.290-308.
  • "A note on Schnorr's separatedness": Theoretical Computer Science,Vol.4 (1977), pp.235.
  • "Algebraic structures for transitive closure": Theoretical Computer Science,Vol.4 (1977), pp.59-76.
  • "LR(k) grammars and deterministic languages": Israel Journal of Mathematics,Vol.10 (1971),pp. 526-530.

Conference Presentations not subsumed above:

  • "Tuning a Neural Network for Harmonizing Melodies in Real Time", with Dan Gangand Naftaly Wagner: International Computer Music Conference, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1998.
  • "Nonstandard Numbers for Qualitative Decision Making":  Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning and Knowledge, Evanston Ill., July 1998, pp. 161-174 [postscript].
  • "Harmonizing Melodies in Real Time: the Connectionist Approach", with Dan Gang : International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece), September 1997.
  • "Generalized Qualitative Probability: Savage revisited", Twelfth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, E. Horvitz and F. Jensen eds., Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 381-388 Portland, Oregon, August 1996 [postscript].
  • "An Artificial Net for Harmonizing Melodies", with  Dan Gang : International Computer Music Conference, pp. 444-447, Banff (Canada), September 1995.
  • "Belief revision, revised": Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, August 1995, pp. 1534-1541.
  • "Preferential logics: the predicate calculus case", with Menachem Magidor: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge (Rohit Parikh, ed.), Pacific Grove, CA, (March 1990), pp. 57-72, Morgan Kaufmann.
  • "Asynchronous dynamics of random boolean networks", with  Craig Gotsman and Eli Shamir: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, August 1988.
  • "Network oscillators", with Navah Rubin and Haim Sompolinsky: Bat-Sheva seminar on Neural Networks Models and Their Relevance to Neurobiology, Jerusalem May 1988.
  • "Les algorithmes probabilistes": in "les theories de la complexite, autour de l'oeuvre d'Henri Atlan', Colloque de Cerisy sous la direction de Francoise Fogelman Soulie" (June 1984), Editions du Seuil, January 1991 pp. 100-108.
  • "Decision procedures for Time and Chance", with  Sarit Kraus : Proceedings of 24th I.E.E.E. Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, Tucson, Arizona, November 1983, pp. 202-209.
  • "Dynamic systems and their distributed termination", with Shimon Cohen: Proceedings of ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Ottawa, Canada, August 1982, pp. 29-33.
  • "Impartiality, Justice and Fairness: the ethics of concurrent termination", with Amir Pnueli and Jonathan Stavi:  Proceedings of 8th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, July 1981, Acco, Israel, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science Vol. 115, pp. 264-277.
  • "Modes in ALGOL Y": Proceedings of 5th Annual I.I.I. Conference on the design and implementation of programming languages sponsored by TC W.G.2.1, Guidel, France, May 1977, published by I.R.I.A. pp. 111-121.
  • "Categories for fixpoint semantics": Proceedings of the 17th I.E.E.E. Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer  Science, Houston, Texas, October 1976. pp.122-126.

Research Interests:

  • Mechanism Design, Combinatorial Auctions
  • Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Belief Revision
  • Neural Networks

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