Ittai Abraham

Routing with Improved Communication-Space Trade-Off

Ittai Abraham

Cyril Gavoille

Dahlia Malkhi




Given a weighted undirected network with arbitrary node names, we present a family of routing schemes characterized by an integral parameter κ   1. The scheme uses Õ(n1/ κ log D) space routing table at each node, and routes along paths of linear stretch O(κ), where D is the normalized diameter of the network. When D is polynomial in n, the scheme has asymptotically optimal stretch factor. With the same memory bound, the best previous results obtained stretch O(κ2).

Of independent interest, we also construct a single-source name-independent routing scheme for uniform weighted graphs with O(1) stretch and Õ(1) bits of storage. With the same stretch, the best previous results obtained memory Õ(n1/9).

[DISC version  pdf] [extended TR version  pdf]