Ittai Abraham

Routing in Networks with Low Doubling Dimension

Ittai Abraham

Cyril Gavoille

Andrew V. Goldberg

Dahlia Malkhi


This paper studies compact routing schemes for networks with low doubling dimension. Two variants are explored, name-independent routing and labelled routing. The key results obtained for this model are the following. First, we provide the first name-independent solution. Specifically, we achieve constant stretch and polylogarithmic storage. Second, we obtain the first truly scale-free solutions, namely, the network's aspect ratio is not a factor in the stretch. Scale-free schemes are given for three problem models: name-independent routing on graphs, labelled routing on metric spaces, and labelled routing on graphs. Third, we prove a lower bound requiring linear storage for stretch <3 schemes. This has the important ramification of separating for the first time the name-independent problem model from the labelled model, since compact stretch-(1+epsilon) labelled schemes are known to be possible.


 [ICDCS version pdf] [TR: local pdf, remote MSR-TR-2005-175