The definitive versions of these papers are available from Springer (see below).
"Metrics and Benchmarking for Parallel Job Scheduling"
Dror Feitelson (Hebrew University)
Larry Rudolph (MIT)
"A Comparative Study of Real Workload Traces and Synthetic
Workload Models for Parallel Job Scheduling"
Virginia Lo, Jens Mache, and Kurt Windisch (University of Oregon)
"Lachesis: A Job Scheduler for the Cray T3E"
Allen B. Downey (SDSC)
"A Resource Management Architecture for Metacomputing Systems"
Karl Czajkowski and Carl Kesselman (University of Southern California)
Ian Foster, Stuart Martin, Warren Smith, and Steve Tuecke (ANL)
"Implementation of the Combination of Time Sharing and Space
Sharing on AP/Linux"
Kuniyasu Suzaki and David Walsh (Australian National University)
"Job Scheduling Scheme for Pure Space Sharing among Rigid Jobs"
Kento Aida (Tokyo Inst. Technology)
Hironori Kasahara and Seinosuke Narita (Waseda University)
"Predicting Application Run Times Using Historical Information"
Warren Smith and Ian Foster (ANL)
Valerie Taylor (Northwestern University)
"Job Scheduling Strategies for Networks of Workstations"
B. B. Zhou, R. P. Brent, D. Walsh, and K. Suzaki (Australian
National University)
"Probabilistic Loop Scheduling Considering Communication Overhead"
Sissades Tongsima, Chantana Chantrapornchai, and Edwin H.-M. Sha
(University of Notre Dame)
"Improving First-Come-First-Serve Job Scheduling by Gang Scheduling"
Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Ramin Yahyapour (University Dortmund)
"Expanding Symetric Multiprocessor Capability Through Gang Scheduling"
Morris A. Jette (LLNL)
"Overhead Analysis of Preemptive Gang Scheduling"
Atsushi Hori, Hiroshi Tezuka, and Yutaka Ishikawa (RWCP)
"Dynamic Coscheduling on Workstation Clusters"
Patrick G. Sobalvarro and William E. Weihl (DEC SRC)
Scott Pakin and Andrew A. Chien (University of Illinois)