These logs contains one month's worth of accounting records from the Intel Netbatch grid. This grid is composed of multiple clusters (called physical pools) in different locations around the world, each with tens of thousands of nodes. The data comes from four such pools, three on the west coast in the US and one in Israel. The Intel Netbatch workload logs were graciously provided by Ohad Shai, Edi Shmueli, and Nir Antebi from Intel. If you use this log in your work, please use a similar acknowledgment. You can also cite the following paper where they were introduced: Ohad Shai, Edi Shmueli, and Dror G. Feitelson, “Heuristics for resource matching in Intel's compute farm”. In Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Walfredo Cirne and Narayan Desai, (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2013. Downloads:
The vast majority of jobs are serial. However, there are also some parallel MPI jobs. Scheduling is done by the in-house Netbatch system.
These files are in CSV format. They contain one line per completed job with the following comma-separated fields:
File Intel-NetbatchA-2012-1.swf
File Intel-NetbatchB-2012-1.swf
File Intel-NetbatchC-2012-1.swf
File Intel-NetbatchD-2012-1.swf