Introduction to Computer and Network Security


    The Hebrew University -- Institute of Computer Science 


Introduction to Computer and Network Security

67649 - Winter 2003



General information



General information


Dr. Shlomo Kipnis                                   

Department Head                                      

Computer Science Department                        

The Hadassah Academic College               


Office:     +972 2 629 1953



Teaching Assistant

Danny Bickson

Reception hour: Sunday, 11:00 – 12:00, Ross 107. (Tl. 85706)



Monday, 16:00 – 17:45, Shprinzak 115.

Targil hour, Monday, 18:00 – 18:45, Shprinzak 115.

Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:45, Shprinzak 115.


Course Objectives

Understanding the goals, issues, technologies, algorithms, protocols, systems, and design criteria used in cryptography and data security.  Developing basic system analysis and solution synthesis skills.



System Security: security policies, security goals, security mechanisms, security principles, physical security, hackers, risk management.  Introduction to Cryptography: classical cryptography, perfect cryptography, one-time pad (OTP), one-time MAC (OTM).  Computational Cryptography: symmetric encryption, block ciphers, Feistel ciphers, DES, attacks on DES, 2-DES, 3-DES, IDEA, AES, encryption of long texts, stream ciphers, linear feedback shift registers.  Hash Functions: uses of hash functions, design of hash functions, birthday paradox, birthday attack, SHA-1, HMAC.  Public-Key Cryptography: basics number theory, Diffie-Hellman protocol, El-Gamal protocols, DSS signatures, RSA algorithm.  Authentication: passwords and pass phrases, biometrics technologies, cryptographic authentication, authentication protocols, challenge response protocols, mutual authentication, authentication attacks.  Symmetric Key-Exchange Protocols: Key-Distribution Centers (KDC), Kerberos.  Asymmetric Key-Distribution: public-key certificates, certificate authorities, X.509 certificates, public key cryptographic standards, public-key infrastructure (PKI).  Network Layer Security: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), Internet Key Exchange (IKE).  Transport Layer Security: SSL and TLS.  Application Layer Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), Email security, Web security, Electronic commerce.



Reading Material

There are many books on cryptography and data security.  Some books for further study of these areas are listed below.  Copies of many of these books exist in the library.



1.      Douglas R. Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2002.

2.      Alfred Menezes, Paul van Oorschot, and Scott Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1997.

3.      Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

4.      William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.

5.      Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, and Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

6.      Carlisle Adams and Steve Lloyd, Understanding Public-Key Infrastructure: Concepts, Standards, and Deployment Considerations, New Riders Publishing, 1999.

7.      Naganand Doraswamy and Dan Harkins, IPSec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets, and Virtual Private Networks, Prentice Hall, 1999.

8.      Eric Rescorla, SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems, Addison-Wesley, 2001.

9.      Bruce Schneier, E-Mail Security: How to Keep Your Electronic Messages Private, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

10.  Simon Garfinkel, PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, O’Reilly & Associates, 1995.



Lecture 1 -- Introduction to Security - October 27, 2003.  PDF

Lecture 2 -- Security Engineering - October 29, 2003. PDF

Lecture 3 -- Classical Cryptography I -- November 3, 2003. PDF

Lecture 4 -- Classical Cryptography II -- November 5, 2003. PDF

Lecture 5 -- Modern Cryptography -- November 10, 2003. PDF

Lecture 6 -- Symmetric Cryptography I -- November 12, 2003. PDF

Lecture 7 -- Symmetric Cryptography II -- November 17, 2003. PDF

Lecture 8 -- Symmetric Cryptography III -- November 19, 2003. PDF

Lecture10 -- Hash Functions -- November 26, 2003. PDF

Lecture11 -- Public-Key Cryptography I -- December 1, 2003. PDF

Lecture12 -- Basic Number Theory -- December 3, 2003. PDF

Lecture13 -- Public-Key Cryptography II -- December 8, 2003. PDF

Lecture14 -- Optimizing Crypto Algorithms -- December 10, 2003  PDF

Lecture15 -- People Authentication I -- December 15, 2003. PDF

Lecture16 -- People Authentication II -- December 17, 2003. PDF

Lecture17 -- Authentication Protocols I -- December 24, 2003. PDF

Lecture18 -- Authentication Protocols II -- December 29, 2003. PDF

Lecture19 -- Key Distribution Centers -- December 31, 2003. PDF

Lecture20 -- Kerberos -- January 5, 2004. PDF

Lecture21 -- Public-Key Infrastructure -- January 7, 2004. PDF


Assignments guidelines

Problem Sets:  There will be between six and seven problem sets during the course – approximately one problem set every 2 weeks.  Four or five of the problem sets will be theoretical, each involving solving between 3 and 4 exercises on paper.  The theoretical problem sets should be submitted based on individual work (that is – no collaboration on the theoretical problem sets).  The other two problem sets will be practical and might involve some programming.  The practical problems sets can be worked on in pairs (but no more than pairs).  The problem sets are mandatory.  Each student should submit all the problem sets.  The problem sets should be submitted on time.  Late submission will not be allowed.  The problem sets will be worth between 40% and 50% of the final grade in the course.

Final Exam:    There will be a final exam.  The final exam might contain some open-ended problems and some multiple-choice problems.  The final exam will be worth between 50% and 60% of the final grade in the course.



The course has two newsgroups: . This is a moderated news group - your posting will not appear in the newsgroup until the course stuff answers them. Use this news    

group for asking questions about exercises etc. You should regularly read messages published in the moderated news group. Any message that is posted in this news group will be considered known by all, and will not be repeated elsewhere. To stress this point, in case when, e.g., a clear guideline concerning the exercise implementation is published in the news group, anyone who would not comply with it will loose points. This is a newsgroup for students discussion, Please do not share answers or source code there.


Registration and Submission

All students taking this course for credit are required to register to the system. In order that we have your Email for announcements, etc., please register as soon as possible. You also need to register in order to submit exercises. The registration and submission links are below:





Late Submission Policy

Every day late reduces 10% of the final grade. For example, for one day late you will get 90% of your grade. For 2 days, 80% of your grade. Please try to submit on time. Start working early on the exercises.


Targil Notes

Targil 1 – October 27.  Introduction. Beale cipher. PDF

Targil 2 – November 3. Breaking monoalphabetic ciphers. PDF

Targil 3 – November 11. Breaking Vigener cipher. PDF

Targil 4 – November 18. Reception hour for the exercise.

Targil 5 – November  25. CBC uses and attacks.

Targil 6 – December 1. Basic number theory. PDF

Targil 7 – December 8. Fast CRT exponenciation.

Targil 8 – December 15. Review of solutions to ex1 + ex3.

Targil 9 – December 22.  Communications overview. TCP/IP protocol headers. Insecurity of WEP protocol. Executive summary. Full paper.

Targil 10 – December 29. 

Targil 11 – January 5. Pollard’s rho method.



Exercises Appeal Procedure and Policy

You have 2 weeks from the date at which the exercise has been returned to appeal.

 In order to appeal, please summarize your concerns in a clear handwriting or in print on a piece of paper, staple it with your original checked exercise and put it    

 into the course submitted exercise box at Ross -2 (not into the returned exercise closet!!!)

 Take into account that every appealed exercise will be rechecked. As a result your grade might either get better or get worse.



Ex1. submission date: November 10, 2003.  PDF

Ex2. submission date: November 24, 2003.  PDF

Ex3. submission date: December 8, 2003.  PDF

Ex4. submission date: December 25, 2003.  PDF

Ex5. submission date: January 12, 2004.  PDF

Ex6. submission date: January 29, 2004.  PDF


Old Exams

Old exams are used as a reference only. They are taken from 2002 security course of Prof. Dahlia Malkhi  

and 2001 security course by Dr. Shlomo Kipnis and Prof. Dahlia Malkhi. The syllabus of those courses might not be fully identical to our course.

This year the exam will have also open (non-American) questions.

Exam A

Exam B Solution

Exam C

Exam D

Exam Moed A Solution