Course Regulations  

Administration and Regulations

Course Staff

Position Name Reception Hours Office (Ross building) Phone
Teacher Prof. Daphna Weinshall Tuesday, 14:00-15:00 211 65-86298
TA Ziv Yaniv Monday 09:00-10:00 Ross -2 room 30 65-85371
TA Tomer Hertz Monday, 15:00-16:00 56 65-84079
TA Adi Shraibman Sunday 12:00-14:00 Ross -2 room 36 65-85528

Time and Place

Course Requirments

Submission Guidelines

  1. For each exercise you should submit the the sources electronically using the submit page (this sends your exercise through the    network to our computer). Please see the electronic submission instructions for details. Each source file should begin with a submission block. This block identifies the file and student. The submission block must be in the exact following form (cut and paste, and don't forget to replace the details with the correct details):
        * Exercise No.         : 1.1
        * File Name            :
        * Name (First Last)    : Intro Csm
        * Student No.          : 0000000-00
        * Login                : introcsm
        * Email                :
  1. For each exercise you should submit the printouts in a plastic envelope to the course box (Ross -2). You should print all the classes included in your exercise (NOT including classes provided by us). If required, you should also hand in printouts of the API documentation of the public classes you define (not relevant for first exercises).

  2. The Do's and Dont's of a printout:

Exemptions and Late Submissions

Generaly no late submissions are accepted. In case of miluim, sickness or other justified reasons, the TA's may approve exemption and/or late submission. Approval of late submission will be given rarely as we intend to publish the TA solution.
If you have a request for exemption/late submission, please approach the TA's during their reception hours or in class.

Appeals (Irurim)

Appeals on exercise grades may be submitted up to two weeks after grades are published. To submit an appeal you must write down what exactly is the grievance and submit your claims with the original printouts of the exercise to one of the TA's (during exercise sessions). The appeal will be rechecked by the bodek that originaly checked the exercise. If you are not satisfied by the result then you will resubmit it to one of the TA's for a final answer.
Please note:

Solve The Exercise By Your Own

As the well known hebrew proverb says, "one cannot learn swimming through mail". This is true also for programming. Learning to program involves spending hours in front of the computer and cursing it!

This means that we do not expect that any of you will become a good programmer, or even get a hint of what programming is, without experiencing the glow of the monitor and the touch of the keyboard. In particular, you must solve the exercises by your own, without the help of others.

You may disscuss the solutions of exercises verbally. However, you may not exchange program code segments in any case. You may not show the code, or part of the code of your solution to other students. You may not  write it down for them on paper, or give it to them via any media.

Copying part or an whole exercise from another student (=cheating) is regarded a serious offense. If you do not intend to cheat, then you do not need to read the following:

To discourage those few who do intend to cheat, we will record backups of all the exercises you submit. From time to time we will run an automated cheating detection program upon these backups and keep the right to treat cheating retroactively. This means that even if an exercise of yours was graded, you can be informed in any later time of the semester that you are suspected for cheating in this exercise and it will be treated as if it was detected before grading. To eliminate any doubts, we make no distinction between the two (or more) sides of the cheating. If we suspect that Bob and Alice had copied an exercise from one another, we see no way they could have done this without each other cooperation.