Endorsed by
International Society of Computer Aided Surgery
Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
Israel Life Science Industry
Symposium format
This year the one-day symposium will consist of two sessions and an
internationally recognized invited speaker.
Symposium topics
All medical specialties include but are not limited to:
We particularly encourage the submission of works describing clinical
experience with computer-aided surgery systems.
Authors should send electronic copies in Word (preferred) or PDF formats to
Prof. Joskowicz at josko@cs.huji.ac.il.
Participants are required to register to the ICR 2010 conference. For details, see the
ICR'2010 web site:
For further information, contact:
The goal of the Symposium is to convene in Israel clinicians, scientists,
and engineers actively interested in medical imaging, computer science, and
robotics, and their application to the planning, monitoring, and execution
of medical surgeries. The symposium is the sequel of twelve previous
ISRACAS'1998-2009 . Each was attended by over 150 participants
including clinicians, industry, and engineering academia. The one-day
events included invited speakers, oral presentations of peer-reviewed
papers, industrial exhibits, and system demonstrations.
This year ISRACAS will be held in conjunction with the 3rd Israeli
Conference on Robotics (ICR 2010). We expect that this co-location will
give rise to synergies and fruitful collaborations.
The symposium presents relevant research in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering,
Biomechanics, and Electrical Engineering including but not limited to:
Potential contributors are requested to submit abstracts of 250-400 words
on any of the topics mentioned above by May 31st, 2010. Authors of
accepted abstracts may submit a full-length paper before July 31, 2010. The
accepted abstracts and papers will be published on a CD ROM.
Abstract submission
Notice of acceptance
Final abstracts/papers
May 31
June 31
July 31
November 10
Prof. Moshe Shoham
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, Israel
Phone: +972-4-829-3264/2102
Fax: +972-4-822-8931
Prof. Leo Joskowicz
School of Engineering and Computer Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Phone: +972-02-658-6299
Web site and contact information
Last updated: May 31st, 2010 by Leo Joskowicz.